Issue Tracker - Monitor and resolve exceptions online
Monitor | Communicate | Online | Resolve
Exception Management throughout the supply chain
A supply chain typically exists of a consecutive chain of different parties all using their own systems to reach the common objectives. It is unavoidable that each supply chain will generate a certain number of exceptions (such as damages, losses, wrong deliveries, etc.) that require communication between the various parties throughout the chain. In most cases phone and email are adequate ways to communicate. ReturnPool is often involved in high-volume supply chains, whereby it is natural that the number of exceptions requires a more structured communication platform. This has resulted in the development of the ReturnPool Issue Tracker system, which is an only webportal to register and resolve operational issues within the supply chain.
How does Issue Tracker work?
Issue Tracker is a system to create and assign cases to the relevant entities for follow up action. It is based on the following principles:
- All stakeholders in supply chain are granted access to the Issue Tracker system. Examples of stakeholders are repair centers, OEM’s, logistics HUB’s, contact centers, etc.
- Stakeholders are allocated to different user-groups that each have different roles and related options.
- Stakeholders can create cases and assign them to the entity that should take the next step in resolving the case. Example: A repair center reports a missing item in a shipment and asks the sending entity to verify if the item was really sent. In the event of a loss, the case will be re-assigned to the contact center to file a claim against the courier and/or insurance company and to create a new case to the warehouse requesting a replacement unit.
- A contact center can be appointed to monitor the timely resolution of issues between the various supply chain parties
- A contact center can also initiate and/or assign cases to the other parties in the supply chain.
- The system supports alerts, such as email, to expedite the resolution process if required.
Issue Tracker has been implemented in a wide variety of entities in over 20 countries world-wide.